Joerg Langkop
Which products have you designed for PHILIPPI and where do the ideas for your designs come from?
In the past years, we were able to realise some designs for PHILIPPI, e.g. the "Puppy" key ring, "Oh Tannenbaum nutcracker", "Studio dumbbell", "Boat salad bowl", "Airplane ruler".
Which product would you like to design for PHILIPPI?
We are constantly coming up with something.....
We therefore present new product ideas and concepts at regular intervals.
Working with Jan Philippi is great fun because he pursues his high design standards with a distinct formal flair.
Which PHILIPPI product would you give as a gift and which would you like to receive as a gift?
We would give the "Cocoon Bowl" as a gift (and also like to receive it as a gift)!
How long do you work on your designs?
Until I am satisfied with the result.
Do you have a favorite color?
No, I love all colours. In my design work, however, it is not only the colours that are important, but the material, surface and weight.
What natural gift would you like to have?
Be able to see in the dark and fly.
How and when did you come to the decision to want to design?
As the son of a sculptor, shaping and design have always been part of my everyday life. I then turned my hobby into a profession and studied product design. studied.
What constitutes good design for you?
If a product tells a story, is meaningful and can arouse emotions in the user and it has a high recognition value.
If you weren't a designer, you would be....
... mining opals in Australia.